Name search results

Brand Vredeborch
Other name
Model Nordetta 3D
Factory Ref.
Introduced 1951
Estimated price US$ 280
Type – see definitions Stereo
Format 127 – one or two images
 Country Germany
Transactions sampled 8
Last data upload 19-Dec-24

The estimated value presented above is an average of 8 transactions recorded over the past years. This should be taken as guidance only, as the value of a specific camera can be over or under the figure suggested here and further depends on how eager the seller and buyer are.

Leitz / Leica note: over 800 Leica variants are listed here, and recorded sales keep pouring in. It is impractical to record all sales, so I no longer update these models. I would assume Leica buyers would know what they are looking for and could independently assess its value.  

Vredeborch-Nordetta 3D
